Room Rentals
Multi-Purpose Room
Our Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) is great for board meetings, dance classes, a place to study, game night, or just about anything else you can imagine!
Details: Fits 25-30 People
Prime Cost (5-10pm & wknds) $30/Hour
Non-Prime (8am-5pm M-F) : $20/Hour
Board Room
Our Board Room is great for board meetings, art classes, a place to study, or game nights!
Details: Fits Max of 25 People
Prime Cost (5pm-10pm) : $35/Hour
Non-Prime Cost (8am-5pm) : $25/Hour
Gym Rentals
Our Gym is a perfect space for a variety of sports, birthday parties, and more!
Details: 6,000 square feet, has a 400 person capcity
Prime Hours: 5pm - 10pm & Weekends
Non-Prime Hours - Weekdays - 9am - 5pm
Gym/Hall rental
Package 1 Prime-time: Tables & Chairs, up to 150 people - $60/Hour
Package 1 Non-Prime: Tables & Chairs, up to 150 people - $50/Hour
Package 2 Prime-time: Tables & Chairs, over 150 people - $85/Hour
Package 2 Non-Prime: Tables & Chairs, over 150 people - $75/Hour
Package 3 - Tables & Chairs, over
250 people - $125/Hour
5% GST will also apply to all rentals
All gym/hall rentals include use of common sporting equipment - balls/floorhockey equiment.
Volleyball rental requests - 3 hour minimum